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Professional Recyclers Oklahoma Donations & Location Near You

The charity foundation was established in 1999.

Professional Recyclers of Oklahoma is a member of the Oklahoma Recyclers association and has partnered with numerous individuals and groups working for the betterment of ecology and the environment.

It is also working with some non-profit and for-profit organizations that share its beliefs and values on the importance of reducing waste by reusing and recycling material. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that Professional Recyclers Oklahoma is a certified Green Company.

Moreover, the company has participated in arranging fund-raising events for schools, clubs, sports organizations, churches, welfare centers, etc. It also works for fast distribution of supplies and support in times of crisis.

Professional Recyclers of Oklahoma runs textiles recycling programs to generate income that is shared with local charities for distribution in the underserved sectors. One of its most successful launches was the Bag Program.

It provides checks to donor organizations, charity centers, or schools in exchange for usable donations. Even the local charities have made use of the company’s logistics to share useful goods in the neighborhood, needy families, or individuals who need emergency assistance in relocating, finding jobs, etc when a natural disaster strikes.

You can donate a range of items such as accessories, books, clothing, shoes, furniture, electronic devices, etc to fund their cause. Items for donations can be dropped in any of the donation bins located all over Oklahoma City. You will also be able to find some of these in Guthrie and Stillwater areas.

Local companies are also encouraged to host donation bins for Professional Recyclers in Oklahoma. In exchange for this service, the organization offers a monthly check for the contents present in the particular bin.

More than 500 donors choose to make use of over 90 drive-thru donation stations to share the items every week. The organization accepts used clothing, accessories, and shoes through this method.

The last option is to schedule the at-home pickup with them. You can do so over the phone or by contacting the Professional Recyclers Oklahoma official website. It will provide you with a tax receipt as soon as the items have been collected.

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